21st Century’s Stress Is Different

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In June 2024, National Geographic reported that the perceived level of psychological stress has skyrocketed due to various global challenges, including the COVID pandemic, climate change, environmental disasters, economic uncertainty, and political instability. The constant bombardment of bad news—from gun violence to wars—creates a continuous cycle of stress that is unique to modern times. This growing stress has led to what some are calling a "second pandemic" of mood and anxiety disorders such as major depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

In June 2024, National Geographic reported that the perceived level of psychological stress has skyrocketed due to various global challenges, including the COVID pandemic, climate change, environmental disasters, economic uncertainty, and political instability. The constant bombardment of bad news—from gun violence to wars—creates a continuous cycle of stress that is unique to modern times. This growing stress has led to what some are calling a “second pandemic” of mood and anxiety disorders such as major depression, anxiety, and PTSD. That might be the reason behing your question: “Why am I so stressed?”

The impact of this rise in stress is only beginning to be fully understood, but its effects are clear: mental health issues are on the rise, and people are struggling to cope with the emotional weight of today’s world.

Secondary Trauma: More Than We Realize

Secondary trauma—once associated mainly with first responders and mental health workers—is now something almost anyone can experience. With more exposure to traumatic stories via social media and graphic news, many people are developing symptoms of trauma simply by being a witness to these narratives. The flood of traumatic content we face daily can slowly condition us to perceive ongoing stress and trauma as normal, causing long-term harm without us realizing it.

Mental and Physical Health Consequences

Stress isn’t just a mental health issue—it affects our entire body. When people feel like they have less control over their lives, stress manifests in physical symptoms. Chronic stressors, such as financial strain and loneliness, may become so normalized that they’re not recognized as stressors until they take a serious toll.

A recent study by the American Psychological Association (2023) found that one-third of people feel “completely stressed out” no matter what they do to manage their stress. Stress accumulates in the nervous system, contributing to physical issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and weakened immune function, making individuals more susceptible to infections and diseases.

What Can We Do?

So, what can be done in the face of this overwhelming stress? The key lies in intentional stress management strategies that focus on mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Simple practices such as regular physical activity, mindfulness, breathing exercises, and proper sleep are powerful tools to help the body reset and regulate stress levels. It’s also crucial to limit exposure to negative media content and create boundaries to protect mental health.

Building strong social connections and seeking professional support when needed are essential steps in maintaining a balanced and healthy mindset. These techniques, when combined, can significantly reduce the overall stress load, helping individuals build resilience in this challenging world.

How Mistikist Can Help

Mistikist is designed with the modern stress crisis in mind. Using scientifically-backed brainwave entrainment technology, it helps users manage stress effectively by guiding the brain into states of relaxation, focus, or deeper mental reprogramming.

The combination of binaural beats, which synchronize brainwaves, and kaleidoscopic visuals keeps the brain fully engaged, amplifying the effects of stress relief. Mistikist provides a fast and personalized experience—whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve focus, or change negative thought patterns, the app is tailored to help.

The effectiveness of Mistikist is supported by a study conducted by Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, and the science behind brainwave entrainment is backed by top research institutions like Johns Hopkins, Stanford, Harvard, and MIT. In just a few minutes of use, Mistikist can help users feel more grounded, focused, and in control of their mental and emotional health.


In today’s world, stress is more pervasive than ever, but that doesn’t mean it has to control us. By incorporating powerful, science-backed tools like Mistikist into your daily routine, you can reduce the impact of modern stress and take charge of your mental health. Why wait? Start today and experience the transformative effects of brainwave entrainment with Mistikist.

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